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I have two weeks left to decide what to write for the July Camp NaNo.  According to the Camp site, I have decided on a story.  That could not really be farther from the truth.

I have been ignoring the book dubbed Sin Bi.  Not actively ignoring, just working on the other idea.  I have a few pages of planning for the other idea, and I think I could easily write ten thousand off the bat.  I probably have planning right up to about twenty thousand, maybe a bit more.  But I said I would get a story out before November NaNo, and for that I really need to get my head down.

I also have that other story… the one that I started last November.  That’s still sitting under two thousand words I think, and I would really like to get that one off the ground sometime soon!

Maybe I should take a poll.  Let’s add a poll.



There’s the poll.  I’d appreciate it muchly if you could join in and help me decide.  There’s no guarantee i’ll do the most voted one, but it might tell me something about the weakest idea.  You could tweet me or catch me on Facebook too if you would like some more depth to the plot ideas.