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As I mentioned in my previous post, some of my friends have pre – ordered some books from me.  So, when I put an order in for my proof copy, I ordered the other copies at the same time.

Yesterday, I found out I hadn’t put any page numbers on the original file…

Today I amended that issue, and also added the copyright page, including ISBN into the file for general release.  when I checked the online proof, the page numbers still weren’t there!  So, I have no idea if any of the books have page numbers or not, because they don’t show.

Therefore, the first seven people to receive a copy of my book have got literally that.  A copy of my book, all the original text, bound and signed by me.  Individually numbered as promised.  With a personally handwritten copyright notice, probably inclusive of a smiley face 🙂

I now need to order another proof copy that includes the copyright notice, or else they won’t let me sell the book.  Damnit.